Looking forward to the year ahead, it’s hard not to be EXCITED!
more opportunity than there’s ever been.
more access to high-quality information and resources than there’s ever been.
more understanding of how the human brain works, and how to activate what drives us, more than any other time in history
I’ve been speaking to a lot of business owners, start-up founders, and entrepreneurs over the last week and
everyone is saying how they really feel like 2019 is going to be their year to finally make it big.
And yet… I could have written all that last year too, right?
I sincerely do hope that 2019 is prosperous for everybody reading this, so it’s from that intention that I’d like to get real with you and
expose the raw truth about what has been stopping you in the past (and the population at large)…
Are you ready?
You have been getting in your own way.
To quote one of my favourite mentors, Darren Hardy,
“Your life is your own damn fault.”
Whatever result you achieved in 2018 – wins, losses, incredible highs, epic fails – they’re all a result of one or more of
these three factors.
The underlying theme?
They all come back to YOU.
1. You did something.
Most people get this – “Yep, I did it. Fair play, my fault.”
However, in challenging times, many of us will revert to “Yeah… I did do it, but that’s because he did this / she said that / the customer was a total jerk / the traffic was bad” – etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
When we have these conversations, we are BLAMING others for our own actions.
When you give the power to someone or something else for ANYTHING you do or say, you’ve lost the game.
2. You didn’t do something you knew you could or should have done.
This one is a little more subtle, but many of our results in life are from
not taking the actions we know we could have.
An easy example here is weight loss.
Many people at this time of year have already declared that this is the year they’re going to do whatever it takes to be fit, healthy and finally reach their goal weight.
Well, the stats are out, and by January 12, the majority of people have already given up their fitness resolutions.
They continue to have fleeting sparks of motivation between mid-January and April, only to succumb to the temptations of chocolate at Easter, and a few extra glasses of wine over the school holidays.
Soon after this, it’s likely that all the good habits they started in January have completely fallen by the wayside, and the results they had achieved will start to reverse over the remainder of the year.
It is
the things we don’t do but know we should do are a result of our true commitment to the goal.
In other words, it’s a
goal that we’re setting only because we think we should, rather than it being something we actually want.
At other times,
our not doing is driven subconsciously by our beliefs.
Underneath it all, maybe we subconsciously believe we aren’t worthy of being healthy and fit, OR maybe we believe that fit people are vain and self-absorbed and we don’t want to be like that.
It’s these beliefs that ultimately drive our motivations and behaviours to change.
3. How You responded to something that did happen to you.
This one is usually the trickiest for people to get their head wrapped around.
“So what if I’m hit by a bus? Or a tsunami hits? Am I responsible for that?”
No, you aren’t responsible for the external environment.
What you are responsible for is
how you respond to that event.
There are amazing biographies of
people who’ve had inconceivable tragedies happen to them in their lives, and yet through courage, resilience and perseverance, they’ve
overcome their circumstances and have lived a life of significance.
So the next time you find yourself in a situation you aren’t happy with,
I invite you to ask yourself these three questions:
1. What did I do to create this?
2. What was it I didn’t do but could have that has contributed to this situation?
3. How will I choose to respond to this situation now that it has happened?
Remember –
for things to change, first I must change.
And the most important change you can make which will ensure 2019 is truly the best year ever, is to commit right here, right now to taking 100% personal responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life.
Here’s to an incredible 2019!
Ps. Are you up for the challenge to make 2019 your best year ever?
If you are, let me know in the comments:
- What have you been doing to stay committed to your goals (or plan to be doing)?
- What parts of your life are you taking 100% responsibility for?
If you’re struggling to make things stick, reach out – I would love to help!